
care instructions

At the end of the first 24 hours after the second skin removed, the tattoo cleaned and dried thoroughly.
A thin layer of ointment need to be applied to the tattoo area.

Continue to apply a thin layer of ointment two or three times a day on a clean area until the tattoo is completely healed, about a month to a month and a half (full recovery is when the tattoo has finished peeling and the skin in the tattooed area is no longer shiny).

You can shower with the sticker safely as long you’re not rubbing the area or putting it under direct stream of water.

What not to do:

  • During the post-tattoo recovery period the tattoo should not be exposed to direct sunlight which may create problems in recovery and cause the pigment to fade.
  • It is forbidden to immerse the tattoo in the sea / pool / Jacuzzi / bath, etc. in order to prevent contamination of the tattoo and to allow it to recover properly.
  • Do not scratch, rub or cause any physical trauma to the tattoo during recovery.
  • When the stage comes where the scabs will start to peel off the tattoo should be allowed to peel off on its own. Do not peel or scratch the scabs.


  • Do not leave the initial dressing on the tattoo for more than 5 hours!
  • Efforts should be made to keep the tattoo area particularly clean throughout the recovery period, it should be gently cleaned using clean hands only and dried well before applying ointment.
  • Be sure to apply only a thin layer of ointment during the treatment so as not to “choke” the tattoo, and apply as many times as said aboveto keep it moist only.
  • Exercise and sweating of the tattooed area should be avoided as much as possible during the recovery period and allow the tattoo to “breathe” (when not covered with clothing and the like) as much as possible.

* From the moment of leaving the studio, the continuation of the treatment is the sole responsibility of the client, the above instructions must be followed carefully, 50% of the success of a tattoo is a dedicated and quality treatment after the execution.

* It is possible to coordinate the inspection at the end of 3 weeks to a month so that we can check the condition of the tattoo and set a touchup session if necessary.

Arriving at the inspection within a reasonable time after the tattoo is done and healing is a condition for our continued treatment of it and making touchups (at no cost of course). We will not be able to treat or repair a tattoo of a client who will not come for an audit.

Should any question or problem arise, do not hesitate to contact us!

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