You are currently viewing ABSTRACT TATTOOS


There are many different tattoo styles out there, and though abstract tattoos are new, they are definitely here to stay!

Unlike old school tattoos, which feature definite objects or animals, abstract tattoos are less defined. Instead of using broad black lines, they are typically defined by broad swatches of color and organic curves. An abstract tattoo will suggest an image rather than creating a specific picture, and for some people, this is the perfect aesthetic!

There are several ways that abstract tattoos may be done. One of the most popular styles is called the watercolor style, where the tattoo is made to look as much like a watercolor painting as possible. The colors and lines are very soft, and the colors often bleed into each other. One of the most popular subjects for a watercolor tattoo is the delicate brushwork art from China and Japan.

If you are interested in abstract tattoos, there are a few things to remember. First, it is essential to find an artist who has a lot of experience in this area. With this style of tattoo, more than many others, it is important to see a portfolio of healed work. Second, make sure that you budget the time and the money for this tattoo. Because of the quality of shading that is required for this kind of tattoo art, it can take longer than a standard tattoo. Similarly, because abstract tattoos are still a bit rare, they tend to be fairly expensive.

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